There are a number of natural and prescription treatments for erectile dysfunction. However, for men who take certain blood pressures medications, prescription medications are not an option because they reduce the effectiveness of their other pills. If, then, the natural remedies don't work, what options are left? Many men over 50 have found success in treating erectile dysfunction using vacuum therapy.
How it works
While oral medication offers a 60 to 70% success rate for men suffering with erectile dysfunction, while vacuum therapy boasts a 90% rate. Vacuum therapy is performed using an erectile dysfunction pump. Basically, a penis ring is inserted into the bottoms of a cylinder; lubricant is applied to the penis, and the penis is inserted into the pump, with the pump fitting tightly against the base of the penis and the body. Suction is initiated by a manual or battery operated pump motor. The negative pressure increases blood flow through the penis and encourages an erection, relieving the erectile dysfunction. Use a Pos-T-Vac tension ring to help maintain an erection during intercourse.
When to use it
The male body generally experiences four to five nocturnal erections. Men suffering erectile dysfunction do not experience any, causing the penis to atrophy. The problem then perpetuates itself, leading the man to experience further and more pronounced symptoms. The pump, used at night, to encourage these nightly erections. It can also be used prior to sexual activity, the pump being removed once the erection is achieved.
The vacuum pump offers a non invasive treatment for erectile dysfunction with a high incidence of success. Many men appreciate the opportunity to seek relief that doesn't involve surgery or taking medications that may have side effects or interfere with other medications they may take.
While vacuum therapy is a tried and true treatment for erectile dysfunction, some men are leery of using such a tool. It is not a subtle treatment and does have a negative effect on spontaneity. Men considering this treatment should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages before choose their preferred course of treatment.
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